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Psychic Readings by Ravenette Centori

Psychic Readings by: Ravenette Centori

About Ravenette Centori

I am a natural-born Psychic and Medium with precognitive powers and clairsentient abilities. I also read auras and halos around people and objects. My friends and family members have always told me that I am gifted and I just presumed that everyone could do the same things. As I have gotten older, I realized that I am unique in possessing these abilities. People seem to be drawn to me like a magnet, most often complete strangers. I’m a compassionate, empathic and caring Advisor and I treat others the way I want to be treated, with love and respect. My talents come from a higher power and I am here to use them to help others find their greater path in life. This is what I am meant to do in this lifetime.

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