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Psychic Readings by Moonliteladee

Psychic Readings by: Moonliteladee

About Moonliteladee

I was blessed in my childhood with the gift of clairvoyance and often saw visions that I had to keep to myself for fear others would think I was crazy. I even moved a door open with my mind which made me jump from my seat that I now appreciate. My angels were discovered through life-threatening experiences occurring twice and I came to know their names later to be Michael, Raphael and Uriel. Being able to predict what was going to happen came to me often, and I started to add on Tarot cards for my love of Greek Mythology and God (as I use the celtic cross) and they produced wonderful readings. I love interpreting the Tarot and communicating with my Spirit Guides who help me to decipher the answers to your most heart-felt questions. I can advise you on most situations from love and relationship, to career and business, regardless of the complexity of the question. I’ve guided many people throughout the years, and I am looking forward to guiding you to your destiny. Please be advised, I also work with Numerology and Astrology in my readings, as these are part of our universe that we are strongly and sometimes forget, highly connected! Not only will I offer you a great reading, but I will give you tools that you can use, long after my reading, to help you in everyday life. Cards can be like unanswered prayers…sometimes you may hear things you don’t understand or wish to, but there is a REASON those cards are chosen for you, and it is my job to decipher them properly for your well-being.

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