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Psychic Readings by Lydia Rosa

Psychic Readings by: Lydia Rosa

About Lydia Rosa

I was eight years old when I was given a set of beautiful Tarot cards from Egypt. My deep fascination with the cards motivated me to read everything I could find about Tarot symbolism. By intermediate school, I knew I had the gift of psychic intuition and the skills to positively help others. I have embraced my gift and profoundly love what I can share with others. I will help you explore all you desire and answer your most intimate questions. Give me a call…

Yo tenía ocho años cuando me dieron un conjunto de hermosas cartas de tarot de Egipto. Mi profunda fascinación por las cartas que me motivó a leer todo lo que pude encontrar sobre el simbolismo del Tarot. En la escuela intermedia, yo sabía que tenía el don de la intuición psíquica y las habilidades para ayudar positivamente en los demás. He abrazado mi regalo y profundamente amar lo que puedo compartir con otros. Voy a ayudarle a explorar todo lo que deseas y contestar sus preguntas más íntimas. Dame una llamada…

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Feedback From Satisfied Callers

This is just a selection of some of our favorite feedback. All of our feedback is 100% genuine & user-submitted so please excuse any typos or errors, thanks!

Very nice lady. No one told me the truth like she has before!

November 4th, 2014

Thank you.

September 7th, 2014

She is legit and is great at what she does. Lydias the reason im a head in life. Shes very professional and straight to the point

August 26th, 2014

Excellent! Thank-you

August 25th, 2014

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