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Psychic Readings by Evaleah

Psychic Readings by: Evaleah

About Evaleah


I’m a Natural-born Master Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant, Audiovoyant, Metaphysician, Healer, Spiritual Practitioner and a Tarot, Water and Crystal Reader. I was blessed with psychic gifts and abilities at birth, and I’m able see and hear guidance and information from the divine world. As a Medium, I will connect with loved ones who have gone on to the next world. My blessings come from God, who takes over my being and spiritually gives me the information I need to relay to you. I can also transport myself spiritually to you or into the situation and envision exactly what is going on in your life. Call me so that I can give you the details and facts about every facet of your life regarding family, money and love. I very much look forward to talking with you soon.

Soy un psíquico nato Maestro, Medio Clarividente, Audiovoyant, Metafísico, Sanador, Profesional Espiritual y Tarot, Agua y Crystal Reader. Fui bendecido con dones y habilidades psíquicas en el nacimiento, y soy capaz de ver y escuchar a la orientación y la información del mundo divino. Como media, voy a conectar con los seres queridos que se han ido al otro mundo. Mis bendiciones vienen de Dios, que se hace cargo de mi ser y espiritualmente me da la información que necesito para transmitir a usted. También puedo transportarme espiritualmente a usted oa la situación y prever exactamente lo que está pasando en su vida. Llámame para que yo te puedo dar los detalles y hechos acerca de todas las facetas de su vida en relación con la familia, el dinero y el amor. Espero con interés hablar con usted pronto.

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Feedback From Satisfied Callers

This is just a selection of some of our favorite feedback. All of our feedback is 100% genuine & user-submitted so please excuse any typos or errors, thanks!

Thank you you saw thing that other readers did not see...thanks for the revealing insight...

May 17th, 2011

always a great reading.. thank you

May 15th, 2011

Good call good connection, lots of details provided. will see how things go. thanks

March 26th, 2010

Was really surprised. She was very accurate regarding my situation

March 4th, 2010

I had a very good reading with my advisor the other day. She always give me good advice and gives it to me straight. I enjoy taking with her.

September 22nd, 2009

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