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Psychic Readings by Celeste Armstrong

Psychic Readings by: Celeste Armstrong

About Celeste Armstrong

I’m a Psychic, spirit Medium, Seer, Intuitive, Empath, angelic realm Channeler, remote Viewer, light Worker, energy Reader and Healer. As an Internationally known Advisor, I have worked with clients from around the globe. I have all the psychic senses; I am Clairvoyant which means “clear-seeing”. I can see spirits and images that they show me. I am Clairaudient which means “clear-hearing” so I can hear them speaking to me in my thoughts, telepathically. I will hear names, names of places, nicknames and other words. I’m very strongly Clairsentient, which means I can sense or feel people’s and spirit’s emotions; pains or injuries they had while in the physical body. Distinct personalities and certain traits of the person will come through. I’m also Clairambient, which means occasionally they will impress on to me a particular smell that would have been symbolic of them. As a Remote Viewer, I can psychically “tune in” to a person or a place, somewhere else on the physical plane and see what is going on. As an angel communicator, I work closely with Archangels (including Archangel Michael, Raphael, & Metatron) to provide healing straight from the Divine. My background includes medical and health intuitive advice, where I receive health information in readings pertaining to the physical body, I’m able to see where and why people are manifesting illness. My ultimate goal as your Advisor is to guide you through the many stages of your life and set you on the best path for brightest future possible.

Inactive Advisor

Feedback From Satisfied Callers

This is just a selection of some of our favorite feedback. All of our feedback is 100% genuine & user-submitted so please excuse any typos or errors, thanks!

Wonderful! First-time talking to Celeste and she gave me so many details. I didn't have to say anything, she connected with my energy. Very nice lady too. I will definitely call again. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Regards from NYC

April 16th, 2023

Spoke with her today! She is quick to pick up on detaild. Once you start talking she tunes in. I would highly recommend talking to her!!!

March 31st, 2023

I feel like she's able to tap into their energy extremely well. she provides me with what i feel is accurate insight into the reasons behind his behavior, thoughts, intentions and trust me its not all roses and rainbows its realistic stuff that coincides with i know to be the way he thinks and that's not easy. He is a very complicated layered man with not usual ways of thinking so this is how i know she is tuned in because she spits out things that are exactly "who he is" even she said, "nothing will make sense to you and me, his way of thinking is different than most" YES! She keeps me sane and on path. One prediction has happened i sit in faith the rest is unfolding shortly. TY my friend for guiding me, its been accurate so far!

March 19th, 2019

The best! Her contact prediction was originally by March well it happened 3/8! She was absolutely correct as to how things would start moving. There's still more to see happen but she was accurate on her first prediction. I'm glad she's here she helps me see the reality versus my doubt she has the ability to see the big picture clearly yet won't give a fairytale it's very realistic and won't steer you wrong.

Very talented very real and very kind.! Can't wait to update you soon !!

March 12th, 2019

This advisor gave me predictions that are slowly coming to fruition regarding work. She is definitely the "real deal" and a must call.

January 25th, 2019

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