About Starry
Ouranos (Uranus) is lord of the starry heavens according to Greek Mythology. The name Starry honors my Uranian influence. I am constantly refining my intuitive psychic ability. I'm also a card Readers and I work with the Rider-Waite Tarot, the Tao I-Ching oracle, while combining Astrology and Numerology when doing readings. My credentials also include yoga, herbalism and shamanism. As a Tarot Reader, I act as a conduit a translator for your higher self. The higher self, also known as the 12th chakra, is connected with the cosmos and beyond. If you are feeling overwhelmed on your life path or you are seeking guidance about a particular situation, my work with the Tarot can provide you with insight and help to focus your intention. We live in a constant state of flux. Buddha called this condition impermanence. My Tarot reads are focused in the present to assist you in the now. Truly, that is all there is – the now. Becoming aware of your integral part in the universe helps expand the whole of consciousness. I look forward to your call.