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Psychic Readings by Rhonie Clay

Psychic Readings by: Rhonie Clay

About Rhonie Clay

As an Intuitive Psychic, I use Angel Cards, and what the universe provides me, to assist others on their path. I help people see what the guides and angels need to share, and I ask both the universe and my angel guides whatever question needs to be addressed. Then, I convey what the cards offer and what pictures are presented to me. I have always been interested in the psychic world, and as I get older my abilities to see what is offered, has grown stronger. I believe we are all psychic to some extent. The only difference is those that accept and cultivate their abilities and those that, for whatever reason, are disconnected from them. Life is complicated and sometimes the complications can cloud our vision. We need help in clearing the clouds. I do not judge anyone. I feel if we are drawn together, I am there to help you in whatever areas you require assistance. If you choose to reach out to me, I will do my best to guide you to a positive experience through life.

Inactive Advisor

Feedback From Satisfied Callers

This is just a selection of some of our favorite feedback. All of our feedback is 100% genuine & user-submitted so please excuse any typos or errors, thanks!

I so enjoyed speaking with her. She was clear, forthright, and received a lot of messages that were spot on. Look foreard to learning more after our call! Thank you.

July 22nd, 2012

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