About Maiigen
Aanii/Hello my name is Maiigen, which means wolf in Anishinabe language. I am an intuitive Seer with clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient abilities, and an Empath. As a First Nations traditionalist and ceremonialist, my work specializes in assisting everyone to empower and reclaim their voice promoting healing and wellness on all levels: spiritual, emotional, physical and physiological. Working on a personal level with clients, I hold a sacred space for them during these times of transformation in their lives and am assisted with the guidance and support of the Elders in Spirit. I hold over 55 Holistic certifications as an instructor and practitioner, completing over 15 years of study and diploma in Indigenous Community Health Approaches with honor grades. I'm in current study of a four year honors BA in Sociology and Indigenous study finishing my third year . People have always come to me for advice and have trusted me with confidential issues close to their heart. My gift to you today is to be able to assist you on your journey. A consultation with me will provide guidance that will enable you to empower your choices. Choices that will allow you to live life balanced and to understand transition on all levels of your being, that will strengthen your truth and open your eyes to see honesty in all things. I will show you how to love unconditionally, acknowledge humility, to apply your wisdom, gain respect for all life, and to know that courage is drawn from strength found in your own life experiences.