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Psychic Readings by Kesondra Lyons

Psychic Readings by: Kesondra Lyons

About Kesondra Lyons

I was born on the day of the guiding light and often find myself illuminating the darkness of other people's internal struggles. Since early childhood, I have understood the subtleties in people's voices that others did not seem to hear. As an Intuitive Psychic, I have been given deep and accurate insight into future events and their outcome. I have nurtured this ability through studying Astrological beliefs from around the world, the power of Numerology, the insight of the Tarot, and the healing nature of understanding our past lives and their impact on our psyche, through astral travel and deep meditative states. I look forward to delving into your cosmic energy to unblock the darkness of your woes and bring you into the healing light of self-acceptance.

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