About Judy Massey
I'm an Intuitive Psychic and offer angel oracle card readings and floral therapy. Everyone has guardian angels watching over them. If you stay close to your guardian angels and ask for guidance, the answer will appear. The cards are a tool I use to find your desires and answers. I have different deck of cards depending on the nature of your question. Do you have a question about a relationship with someone? Your job? Your career path? I have romance cards as Archangel Gabriel oversees romance. I have life purpose cards as Archangel Michael oversees your life purpose. We can ask them for guidance through the cards. Maybe you have general questions? Archangel Michael and Raphael can help us with general questions through angel therapy cards. Ask me about Flower Therapy. If we have time in your reading, I can let you know what flowers to have around for your guidance. There a flower for life purpose, romance, wealth, health and more. You can pick the flowers or just have the flower picture nearby for enhancement. I won't tell you what to do, but what I will do is offer honest guidance and allow the angels to come through the cards and share their message with you. Contact me for a reading today, I will help you with the guidance of the angels, fairies, and flowers.