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Psychic Readings by Gregor Waynewright

Psychic Readings by: Gregor Waynewright

About Gregor Waynewright

I’m a highly-intuitive Advisor with many years of experience. Since I was a child, I was able to see auras and often drew symbols and depictions of loved ones. In my teens, I had the blessing of meeting a Guru through a friend. She saw my talents and taught me discipline, meditation, and gave me her crystal ball to amplify and bring clarity to these symbols. As my skills developed, I realized I was able to receive a lot of intuitive impressions via the tonal qualities of someone’s voice. My client reactions never cease to amaze me, as like any gift, the more you practice the better you get. I just tune in and let it flow. I enjoy the diversity, intensity, and range of requests each client brings my way. If you seek spiritual illumination or assistance with a matter that concerns or troubles you, I am definitely your conduit! I personally wish you love and light…I hope to meet you soon!

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