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Psychic Readings by Gabriel Terrell

Psychic Readings by: Gabriel Terrell

About Gabriel Terrell

As an intuitive Psychic, I offer to you a lifetime experience of living within two worlds, including 10 plus years of expertise in the art of Tarot and Oracle, as well as, other special divination techniques such as Reiki, chakra cleansing, herbal medicine and dream interpretation. Along with my natural psychic abilities, I am also an Empath, which allows me to connect with my clients on a higher level, because I have a deeper understanding of their emotions involved and can then prescribe the best possible solutions for balance and clarity. The Tarot and Oracle are my chosen tools to enhance my gifts and reveal to me in detail what it is that needs to be addressed and/or released. I am from a long down line of Psychics, dating back to the ancient civilization time frames, which allows me to connect with the ancient universal energies and retrace my clients past back to their past lives, occupations, health, relationships, financial state and vocations. Behind the veil of the spiritual world, I walk daily bringing to you news from the other side, along with healing and blessings from the angelic realm. I look forward to hearing from you all, my lifelong friends. The peace of our Lord be with you, always and forever. With love, honor and gratitude, Gabriel.

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