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Psychic Readings by Evan Jackson

Psychic Readings by: Evan Jackson

About Evan Jackson

Ever since I was a child I’ve known I was gifted. I have always been able to predict future events and see things others could not. I’m a master Psychic, Seer, Intuitive, and Channeler. I don’t use any tools during your session, just my natural-born abilities. I’ve trained extensively and developed my talents to heightened levels. During your session, I will receive messages from the metaphysical realm; spirit Guides that want me to relay important messages to you. The information that they will share will lead you to love, prosperity, and successful endeavors. As your Advisor, I will make sure that your spiritual pathway is always clear and you are headed in a positive direction.

Inactive Advisor

Feedback From Satisfied Callers

This is just a selection of some of our favorite feedback. All of our feedback is 100% genuine & user-submitted so please excuse any typos or errors, thanks!

Absolutely such a sweet caring individual who was able to pick up on my situation with accuracy... felt at peace after call. Will def be following up

July 4th, 2019

My reading was 25 June. I understood what was being told to me based on the questions that I had. I connected with how the POI is feeling, looking forward to the final outcome and I'll be calling back to giving up an update.

June 26th, 2019

First time caller. Would be the=last time I would be caling

June 14th, 2019

Evan is sticking to his POI is breaking up with his gf mid-month June...hoping this is true...will call back later this month after my POI confirms more details about the next few months...even though my POI was talking about it, I had put it down to pie in the sky ideas but Evan confirms that this is gonna happen...again will see what happens by the fall...

thanks Evan

June 6th, 2019

my sitch is unfortunately complicated and he clarified some things for me...I just need to be a little more patient...he gave me timelines and now it is a matter to see what happens next month...thanks Evan...looking forward to confirming all of it later

May 17th, 2019

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