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Psychic Readings by Delores King

Psychic Readings by: Delores King

About Delores King

I'm an Intuitive Psychic, and I read Tarot cards. I have since I was a little girl.. I was taught by both my grandmother and mother who were both born in Jamaica, but are decedents of Europeans and Asians. Because of this multi-cultural background, I can touch on many paths of spirituality that deal with not only Celtic lore, but also Asian culture. Although I was born in America, in Jamaica, I always felt closer to the spiritual part of my life; there is something very magical about that little Island. You experience a different kind of energy, a tingling sensation that binds you to everything around you, so you can't help but experience a feeling of being one with nature. Everything speaks to you, the wind, trees, water, animals, everything; because of this tremendous amount of psychic energy, as a child I experienced past-life regression and out of body experiences. I was taught to pay attention to my gifts and develop them as I grew up. Not only do I read cards with great accuracy, but I also interpret dreams. I've assisted with many who needed my guidance when it came to affairs of the heart and financial matters. I was given the name of “THE STAR” as a child; now, I will be your star, a light in the dark. I will dispel the worries and unanswered questions that plague your day to day existence. I will offer hope and shine a light on new paths filled with positive opportunities. Don't despair! Allow me to walk with you, guiding you to a new place in both your heart and mind. I am your star now and forever.

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