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Psychic Readings by Chris Burns

Psychic Readings by: Chris Burns

About Chris Burns

Chris is a Psychic and healing prodigy whose life began to be profoundly influenced by his unusual spiritual experiences and psychic gifts very early on. He is a gifted Psychic Life Coach, speaker, teacher, Shaman, Healer, and his abilities as a business Consultant help bring clarity to seemingly intractable challenges in the corporate world. Chris's talent for pinpointing the root of a problem is uncanny, and often is exactly what needs to be revealed to break through the most difficult obstacles. As he guides you in a clearer understanding of your part in the play, he also focuses his profound capabilities as a Shaman and Healer on assisting in healing the wounds that have been created through what is often a continuous and repetitious cycle of pain and struggle. Many times this cycle is completely obscured from ordinary perception and, therefore, creates havoc in both personal and business dealings. In addition to helping unravel relationship challenges, Chris brings a shamanic vision to potential business opportunities, which go beyond the limitations of ordinary mind and currently held business practices. He is a modern day oracle! Well respected amongst Psychics, he has a heightened natural insight and a good sense of which direction to take. He is an extraordinarily gifted healer as well, and profoundly affects the body, mind and spirit. This ability along with a heartfelt connection to the people he interacts with, endears him to clients. Chris has helped people to change and some would say that he has undoubtedly saved their lives! As a Shaman and Healer, he has studied a variety of traditions and has absorbed the knowledge and wisdom in his bones. His love of nature has propelled him to dedicate his life to helping the world become a more balanced and harmonious place.

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