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Psychic Readings by A. Arthur

Psychic Readings by: A. Arthur

About A. Arthur

It has been 33 years since I have discovered my gifts of sight and clairvoyance, and I have been helping others through spiritual advisory for over a decade. One must understand that it is impossible to see the outcome of each individual drop in a river, yet one thing is certain.they are all moving in the same direction. So true is life. Some of us are swept into the midstream while others are trapped along the river's bank. We all have a purpose and many choices that lead us downstream, and it is these choices that determine our quality of life. We all have the ability to find that perfect combination of people and events in our lives that leads us to a place of peace and perfect love. I will help you understand your path, the purpose of the individuals in your life and give you clarity of heart. “There is no sorrow, just our thoughts.” Let's turn our garbage into flowers and heal our hearts. All are precious and a part of this magical realm we all share. And remember, that change is the only thing that is constant and you can only lose what you hold on to. Be well.” –Dukkha

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