The primary cosmic energy hovering over June 2019, summer solstice month, comes from the planet Mercury, active mostly in the zodiac sign Cancer. Mercury in Cancer eases tensions at work, makes buying and selling easy, and socializing is cordial and pleasant. Opportunities arrive through communicating and circulating, so stay in the current of things.
For June’s first three weeks the Sun and Venus are one zodiac sign behind Cancer, in Gemini. This means that local travel might reveal a new favorite escape, such as an exceptional picnic site, music festival, or even a second home.
June’s Biggest News
Sunday, June 2, a Venus-Pluto trine presents a chance for “love at first sight” with potential to escalate into obsession or an “all or nothing” meltdown. Some of the very intense, push-the-envelope people born under Venus trine Pluto include Jimi Hendrix, Evel Knievel, Dan Rather and Mia Farrow. The hangover from Sunday’s too-intense encounter evaporates on Monday, June 3, when the New Moon in Gemini, an air sign, diverts attention toward communications and career. At this New Moon, update your contact list or make arrangements for a weekend getaway. Monday is a good day to advance-plan your weekend, because the summer tourism season has now begun. Because Mercury dominates, every place that’s good fills fast.
From June 1 to June 3, attend wedding or graduation festivities, hang around and you might meet your special person. If “love at first sight” doesn’t happen on or around June 3, try remembering the events of April 18 or July 27 of 2018, or, farther back, June 24 or October 11, 2017 – days when Venus and Pluto last met in a trine aspect. Most Venus-Pluto days are landmarks, when something or someone close to you undergoes a permanent change.
The Work Front
Mercury does not go retrograde during June 2019; it behaves normally. So the work front is routine as Mercury enters Cancer on Tuesday, June 4, remaining there until June 27. This favors business travel. On a personal level, this Mercury transit will have you searching every corner of your skill set to find money-making talents. Friday, June 7 encourages you to look at your past and use the emotions found there, whether sad or glad, to fuel a new passion for achievement.

The only blips at work this month occur on the Sunday the 16th and Wednesday the 19th. Thoroughly research any proposals, interviews or presentations scheduled for the 19th, because superiors are exceptionally critical as the end of the fiscal year approaches. They will mellow by month’s end, maybe even hosting a workplace social gathering or retreat.
The Love Forecast
Romance and married life stays light-hearted and casual with Venus in Gemini for most of June. Your significant person might be traveling or otherwise away between June 13th and 24th. During this time, apply yourself to accomplishing tasks that will pleasantly surprise them when they return. The prize is thanks, admiration and a soulful hug.
Venus in Gemini is friendly energy, so if the hunt for a date is fruitless, friends will be happy to see you and talk your ear off. Or you can turn an acquaintance into a friend simply by phoning and inviting them to coffee.
Sunday, June 16 is Father’s Day in the U.S. The energy is Sagittarian, so Dad would like a sporting event or dining out – anything active.
Welcome the Summer Solstice on Friday, June 21, an ancestral feast day. The Moon in Aquarius encourages outings that evening, especially to new places or artistic events such as theater or gallery openings where you can forget your cares and simply enjoy. Alternatively, this might be a night of protest, because this day Neptune goes retrograde, as it does for about five months each year. Neptune will stay retrograde in its long-term home, the zodiac sign Pisces, until November 27. Neptune retrograde distracts us not only from our tasks but from maintaining relationships. Simply lighten the tone; you know how. One relationship you have is worth two you haven’t!
To Your Health
Venus entering Gemini on the 9th might encourage worry or anxiety in susceptible people. But whatever the planets bring, they can also take. Wednesday, June 12 is a good day to talk concerns out with someone. That evening, the Moon in Scorpio encourages profound thinking.

Honestly, some glass-half-empty types don’t like the summer solstice (this year, Friday, June 21) because from that point the daylight gets shorter daily by a minute or two. Consider that life has only so many days, and treasure each!
Remarkable ideas for home improvement pop around the 27th of June, a Thursday. Look at your Honey Do list. What’s been there forever? Solving a health or safety problem in the home might be only a YouTube away. July is excellent for all home repairs.
Looking Ahead
Tuesday, July 2 brings a solar eclipse not visible in the more populous areas of the Earth. It occurs at 10 degrees of Cancer. Some American astrologers frown because that’s very near 13 degrees of Cancer, position of the Sun in the horoscope of the United States. The fact is that there is no consensus about exactly when the United States was “born.” It was between 1775 and 1789 is all we know, and every potential U.S. “birthday” claim has its astrological partisans. The chart being used to predict bad news is called the “Sibley chart,” and although traditional, it isn’t more accurate than any other guess.

July 2019 brings a Mercury retrograde (again), starting July 7 and operating through July 31. It’s best, then, to plan the second half of your summer before July 7.
Happy June 2019!