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Jupiter Direct: Eight Months of Good Luck

Rejoice! Jupiter, named for the king of the old Roman gods, and the king of the planets—larger than all the other planets combined—as of May 13, 2016, is out of retrograde motion. Since January 7 you’ve worked hard and worried a lot as Jupiter inched backwards through Virgo, the perfectionistic sign. Now comes your payoff.

Jupiter will now travel forward through Virgo and enter Libra on September 7, 2016, where it will stay in direct motion until February 2017. What you feel right now is a sense of relief after four months of being as busy as you’ve ever been—most of the time not even asking for help. Jupiter in Virgo is like—well, it’s like Santa Claus on a diet and exercise plan. He must do it although it’s hard. As his blood pressure normalizes he feels better. Meanwhile, Santa’s elves are busily piling up toys and gifts Santa will give away when he’s slimmer with a summer tan; and he’s getting there! Relaxation and pleasure will increase as Jupiter approaches Libra, a sign that enhances the planet’s expansive and generous vibrations.


With Jupiter Direct, We Will Talk and Care Less About. . .

Jupiter retrograde in Virgo means it’s highly likely that in these last few months food and diets obsessed you. When Jupiter entered Virgo in August 2015 you were probably wearing or coveting a Fitbit, a very Jupiter-in-Virgo appliance, and had the best intentions. But you gained weight in January and February and got very self-critical. During this retrograde period studies were published saying very heavy people who lose large amounts of weight, as in The Biggest Loser competitions, are likely to regain it and can’t help it; their bodies have hormonal triggers for hunger, and reduced food intake makes them feel starved.

This finding has of course been challenged, and doesn’t apply to people needing to lose 10 or 20 pounds or fewer. The point is that Jupiter retrograde in Virgo brought over-generous media attention to issues of weight and food and carbs; we became self-conscious and analytical to the point of being stressed. I’d bet that since Jupiter has turned direct, you probably said “to heck with it” and baked some rolls or ate pasta.

Another Jupiter-in-Virgo effect is reduced tolerance for other people. Maybe you’ve been a hermit since Christmas, but want now to go to the movies, or get concert or game tickets. Because we are all his children, Jupiter, the king of the gods, typically welcomes everyone with open arms. But Jupiter under the sign Virgo is far more selective about who gets close; they might affect health or finances! Nationwide and internationally, retrograde Jupiter in Virgo stirred up controversy about immigrants and refugees and how nobody wants them. This summer, people involved will prepare solutions and have them ready by the time Jupiter enters Libra. I think that President Obama will propose a huge project to help refugees.

And let’s talk money: Jupiter retrograde in Virgo probably had you paying off taxes, using coupons and special offers, or saving for a significant future purchase. If you were saving, now you’re close to getting to spend it. Mars, Saturn, and Pluto are all currently retrograde, indicators of big-business frustration and disappointment, and I wouldn’t advise buying a car just now. But on the plus side, with Jupiter direct, I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for a stock-market crash. During June, July, and August, stocks tend to be stable.


We Will Care More About. . .

We will be less talkative and more proactive. Jupiter retrograde in Virgo triggered arguments over every detail. Great projects might have stalled. Maybe your memoir was almost finished, but in March you thought it treated your family too harshly and planned to rewrite it all. With Jupiter direct in Virgo you’ll be seeing the sense in squaring your shoulders and being a grownup, not a scared kid. As Jupiter enters Libra, which rules the seventh house of relationships, the family will be, from September on, in a forgiving or at least tolerant mood. Jupiter will stay in direct motion in Libra until February 5, 2017.

As Jupiter regains lost ground we’ll be more forthright. Jupiter retrograde in Virgo is like a Virgo boss, perfectly nice except he’ll hint at what he wants done, rather than actually tell you. Or maybe since January you’ve been reluctant to speak up, fearing for your job or situation, and tried hard to read people’s minds. Now you’re just itching to have your say. With Mars still in retrograde until the end of June, talk rationally; don’t spew.

Romance and friendships under Jupiter in Virgo are the pits. Lovers or clients you met in the summer of 2015 are likely to have been disappointing or cold. Jupiter in Virgo, which began in August 2015 and continues until this September, is full of little “do you love me” tests and games, regrettable emails and texts, inappropriate and unpleasing gift choices, and private concern about “settling” for less than your ideal. Supermarket scandal sheets reflect Jupiter in Virgo’s influence, trumpeting celebrity betrayals and breakups. When Jupiter moves to Libra, an era of relationship uncertainty and worry will fade away. You will have learned to be more selective. In September the three outer planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, will all be retrograde, and the national and political scene will be squirrely. Lovers might then be inspired to marry for security; Jupiter in Libra, sign of marriage, can encourage that.

Sibling and family relationships will sweeten now that Jupiter is in direct motion. Jupiter in Virgo is an excellent time to organize the family scrapbooks, photos, and files. It’s also fine for family health matters and housing issues. After September 21, when the Sun is also in Libra, is optimal for family fun and forgiving old-time family enmities.

Soon after Jupiter enters Libra, mark your calendar for Monday, September 26, when the Sun and Jupiter align. It’s a lucky aspect for just about any activity.

Jupiter in direct motion is a refreshing feeling. Enjoy it, and your hard-earned rewards.

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